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来源:知识文库 【在线投稿】 栏目:期刊导读 时间:2020-07-27
摘要:Though the World Wide Web has only been around for a few decades,it's practically impossible to imagine life without it today.In honor of its 30th birthday,here are some facts about the system that keeps the world connected1这里指万维网

Though the World Wide Web has only been around for a few decades,it's practically impossible to imagine life without it today.In honor of its 30th birthday,here are some facts about the system that keeps the world connected1这里指万维网,为保证可读性没有具体翻译出来。.

万维网创立不过短短几十年,而如今人们却很难想象离开它要怎么生活。庆祝万维网诞生30 周年之际,在此分享一些有关万维网的小知识。

1.The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989.


Thirty years ago,CERN2= Conseil Européenn pour la Recherche Nucléaire,即欧洲核子研究组织。computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee proposed an idea for a database of hypertext links that would allow people to send data and communicate across a wasn't looking to transform modern life when he invented the World Wide Web; he had just gotten tired of having to switch computers whenever he needed to access information that wasn't on his main work computer.


2.There's a difference between the internet and the World Wide Web.


Though the terms are often used interchangeably,the internet and the World Wide Web are not the experts peg3peg 限定。the start of the internet to September 2,1969,when a team of computer scientists at UCLA got two computers to send data to each other through a network for the first years later,the World Wide Web made this technology user-friendly and accessible to the public.


3.The world's first website is still online.


Many websites from the early days of the Web have gone dark4go dark 意为网站下线,停止服务,意译为“不可访问”。,but the first one is still brought the site online from a lab in the Swiss Alps in though it looks primitive,the site has actually been updated from its original state several times.


4.The first image ever uploaded is very '90s.


In 1992,Berners-Lee needed a photo to test out the World Wide Web's new image-hosting IT developer shot a photograph of a comedy band,Les Horribles Cernettes5英译为The Horrible CERN Girls,即“可怕的CERN 女郎”,这里作为乐队名未做翻译。,which was comprised of other CERN employees at the Swiss lab where they the picture was uploaded,it made history as the first image ever shared on the Web.

1992年,伯纳斯-李需要一张照片来测试全新的万维网图片存储功能。当时,一些和他一起在瑞士实验室工作的欧洲核子研究组织员工成立了一支幽默乐队,名为Les Horribles Cernettes,一名信息技术开发人员为他们拍摄了一张照片。而这张照片上传到网络后,就成为了首张通过万维网分享的照片并载入史册。

has mixed feelings about his invention today.


Over the past 30 years,Berners-Lee has watched his creation evolve into a force he could have never an open letter published to mark the World Wide Web's 30th birthday,he wrote,“while the web has created opportunity,given marginalized groups a voice,and made our daily lives easier,it has also created opportunity for scammers,given a voice to those who spread hatred,and made all kinds of crime easier to commit.”6环球网已有译文,且被引用数次,故直接引用环球网译文。He urged people to fight to minimize the negative consequences of the Web,such as harassment,polarizing discourse,and the spread of misinformation.■

过去的30年间,伯纳斯-李目睹了他的发明演变出超乎想象的力量。他在纪念万维网诞生30周年的公开信中写道:“万维网创造了不少机遇,大大提高了生活便捷程度,也让边缘化人群得到发声的机会;但同时,网络上骗子横行,有些人借机煽动仇恨,而且各种各样的犯罪行为也变得更加容易。”他敦促人们尽力减少万维网的负面影响,如网络骚扰、极端言论和信息误传等。 □

文章来源:《知识文库》 网址: http://www.zswkbjb.cn/qikandaodu/2020/0727/384.html

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